Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Human Trafficking A Worldwide Epidemic - 887 Words

Human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking has become a worldwide epidemic. Research for domestic victims is lacking and services are sparse, in part due to the inability of professionals to identity victims. Victims require several services from an array of providers such as mental health counseling, housing, medical and job training. The following paper examines literature that is available and hopes to devise a program that will benefit victims and aid them into a being a successful member of their community and to gain a recovery from their past experiences. The proposed program will address housing, life skills and mental health counseling along with resources for legal aid. Victims will also receive case management to help them navigate their new lives and to find additional resources. Keywords: sex traffic victims, mental health services, long term services for trafficked victims Introduction Human trafficking is a major global health and human rights problem with reported victims in 152 countries (Greenbaum Crawford-Jakubiak, 2015). An estimated 20.9 million men, women and children are trafficked for commercial sex or forced labor worldwide. Approximately 75% of victims are women (2013 Report on Human Trafficking, 2013). When considering sex trafficking 4.5 million people worldwide are victims of sex trafficking and in the United States it is unknown how many men, women and children are sex trafficked (Polaris Project, 2015). In fact littleShow MoreRelatedHuman Sex Trafficking Is an Epidemic Growing Worldwide598 Words   |  2 PagesHuman sex trafficking is an epidemic that has been continuously growing by the minute worldwide. And is the most common form of modern day slavery; slavery today and 200 years ago share the same notion. 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