Saturday, August 31, 2019
Why Study History
People live in the present; no one lives in the past. The past causes the future and that’s where history comes from, history is important to know. We need to know history to understand societies and the way of the people who live in the societies behave History is interesting; it deals with real events and people. History offers a variety of topics and personal interests. Everything has a history; wars, nations and peoples. History is visible in every place of the world. History knowledge is very important, to not know history is ignorance in my opinion. Everyone should know where they come from. History focuses on the cause and affect around us today. I am majoring in history because to me history is a beautiful story that is untold. There is history everywhere you go and it intrigues me of why something was built, invented or done. There is a reason why everything happens and I love the thought of knowing the history of what made people do the things they have done in the past. To me history is seeing through the eyes of others, I am majoring in history because it has been by far my favorite subject my entire life. I always made excellent grades when I was in elementary school and high school. I choose to pursue history as a career, since I enjoyed it so much. History is an exploration to me and when you discover what you are looking for it can be rewarding and makes everything make sense. By seeing through others eyes we see where the failure and achievement came from. While studying history I have learned to question the things that I assume and the beliefs of societies. By learning the history of things I have learned to understand the assumptions I have made of people and why they choose to do the things they have done. I am glad that I have choose to pursue a career in history because of the things you learn and what you can gain from studying other cultures as well as your own. I study history because it can be used in everyday life and history is something that we learn from so the mistakes that were made in the past will not be repeated. Studying history is important in many ways, by studying history you gain more knowledge and are able to understand the world we live in.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Roles of the Artist: Maya Lin
Artist: Maya Line There are one out of four roles that every artist could play and the one that I believe Maya Line plays is â€Å"Artists make a visual record of the people, places, and events of their time and place†. I believe that this is how I have see her portrayed in this film because all of the landmarks and monuments that she had made were all so great due to the personal factor of having the historical names and times written on them.One of the greatest accomplishments/landmarks she has made was the titian veterans memorial. She made it so simplistic yet powerful due to the great way she personalized it. She made it more personal by having all the full names written out chronologically by the year they were killed. This gave the families and the veterans more peace since everyone was recognized for what they have accomplished by serving our country. One more really great monument she had created was her civil rights memorial.That memorial showed all of the history an d moments that happened through the times of the civil rights movement and she also add it a platform where she was able to put water . The reason behind this was that she wanted people to be able to touch it and feel such a connection with It especially when the water started moving direction due to the touches it was getting. Maya Line was an artist/ architect that always wanted all of her work to have some sort of significance or personality.She Is an artist that makes a visual record of Important or significant events and adds a touch or such simplicity to where people could easily feel a connection to her work. She was not so appreciated when her design for the eternal memorial was chosen but when It was really put up everyone realized that the simplicity and chronological order Is what made people so emotionally connected / honored by It. These are the reasons why I believe that she Is an artist that makes visual records or times, places, and events of their time and place.One this I notices was such a big thing that was Inspiring a lot of the art she made was water. I believe she said It had a timelessness about It that made It so continuous and light I do believe the personal touch she adds to each piece of art she creates which to me makes her a better artist. By Jasmine 2 that she wanted people to be able to touch it and feel such a connection with it of significance or personality.She is an artist that makes a visual record of important veterans memorial was chosen but when it was really put up everyone realized that the simplicity and chronological order is what made people so emotionally connected / honored by it. These are the reasons why I believe that she is an artist this I notices was such a big thing that was inspiring a lot of the art she made was water. I believe she said it had a timelessness about it that made it so continuous
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Critique of Tess Onwueme’s Tell It to Women
To Women, we travel back to a Nigerian village in postcolonial Africa. The story enlightens the audience about the dichotomy of traditionalism versus modernism and the ways in which different cultures interact. It ends by revealing the true meaning of culture; the real quality in a society that arises from a passion for what is excellent in arts, manners, and customs. Overall, the play discusses the role of women within this Nigerian village and largely examines the conflict of whether it is better to advance with the rest of the world, or to hold on to the traditions that truly make a society independent and beautiful. The play begins with Yemoja, the most important woman in the village, in a house with Daisy and Ruth, two feminist western-educated scholars. They are the primary antagonists in the play. At this early stage, we see that Daisy and Ruth are not fond of Yemoja. Daisy and Ruth are leaders of the â€Å"Better Life for Rural Women†campaign, which inspires women to believe that they are not only equal to men in many ways, but are even superior in others. The two of them select Yemoja as the mediator between the village and the western world that they are so desperate to force upon the women. The movement causes a great disturbance in the village between the men and women, and especially with Yemoja’s husband and father. Back in Daisy’s home, she has been getting into many disagreements with her family. Her husband Okei, disagrees with her passion about the feminist movement and they frequently fight about it. Her mother-in-law, Sherifat, still encourages Yemoja to participate in the village’s traditional tribal rituals. Sherifat expresses that it would a terrible fate if Yemoja attempts to assimilate to the modern culture and loses her roots. As the story goes on, Daisy becomes estranged from her daughter Bose, as Bose is beginning to understand more and more the culture of the village and becomes closer to Yemoja and Sherifat. Towards the end of the play, the villagers organize a march, for which Daisy gives Yemoja steps to teach to the rest of the women. It becomes clear to Yemoja at that point that western culture is not for them. Daisy and Ruth’s superior arrives to enlighten the women about her ideas of feminism. She is the one that will decide whether or not the movement has succeeded or not. When it is time for Yemoja to perform the dance, however, she and Sherifat perform one of the Idu rituals instead. Bose even joins in the dancing. Ruth falls and becomes extremely injured while Daisy is thrust into the middle of the action. The play ends here in a beautifully tragic scene as Ruth chokes to death while the rest of the villagers celebrate having revitalized their culture. Tess Onwueme’s play was delightfully written and captivating to any audience. The story was intriguing and definitely matched it’s title. Now I see that, Tell It To Women, is a statement on how the women of the village are always being told to do or be something. Whether it is by Daisy and Ruth or by their husbands, the women never really find their own voice until the very end. We see in the first movement, Sherifat telling the chorus of women that being a wife is â€Å"meaning that a wife deserves to be treated like a daughter and not something that you possess. †Yet, throughout much of the story, we see the women being treated like servants and as subhuman to Daisy and Ruth, the village men, and western civilization as a whole. However, I believe that even as a woman, the author was at times, very objective in her portrayal of feminism. She was able to write a play that showed both the positives and negatives of modernism, while advancing the ideals of traditionalism. She does all this without losing sight of what is most important to women of a small village like that. At one part she even has Ruth say â€Å"these rural women are very gullible, you know. All you need to do is make them feel they are important†¦ we need them anyway, maybe even more than they need us. †The author is commenting here on the passive-aggressive attempts of Daisy and Ruth but also shows that the village women do not actually need to be modernized. Perhaps here, the author is a little biased because she is making Daisy and Ruth out to be selfish and slightly cruel. To a western reader, the play was not very easy to read. The names of the villagers were at times tongue tying and I found myself changing opinions about a character because I in fact, thought they were another. Onwueme also does not really explain the native African dialect and proverbial expressions that are used, which was slightly confusing as well. Many play-writes include footnotes at the bottom of the page to explain vernacular that is not known to the reader and that would have been very helpful here. That being said, the true meaning of the play was present the entire time. The clash of cultures and the lingering pains of colonialism in Africa come through wonderfully in the author’s interpretation. In one eloquent line we see that colonialism left its mark of the villagers. Sherifat says to Daisy that â€Å"it’s easier for those who inflict the pain on others to forget. †Tell It To Women, while at times was hard to follow, beautifully captured the struggle of traditionalism versus modernism and is a true mark of feminism. Overall, I thought that the play was well written and captivating. Even as a man, when sometimes it is hard to understand the desires of women, let alone women of another culture, I was able to grasp the true value of this play. It enlightened me about African culture and the roles of men and women in society. I believe Onwueme did a tremendous job in exposing the struggles of postcolonial Africa in an artful representation.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate Essay - 1
Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate - Essay Example Various advantages can come up from incorporating beyond budgeting technique in an organization. One of these is the fact that people get to improve in their creativity in the business market. Beyond budgeting requires the involved individuals or rather company members to provide plans that would lead to the production of a new commodity (Blyth 68). New commodities require a lot of attention because many people are keen on the details of the commodity in order to assess whether it can act as a substitute product. This thus offers companies opportunities to become market leaders in some fields (Martin and Hau 47). The fact that competition is a contemporary issue in the marketing sector is another factor to understand. Businesses have developed over time where they are required to attain certain market characteristics in order to retain or rather earn a certain position in an industry. These companies thus compete to attain these characteristics faster than their rivals in order to attract more companies. This strategy works effectively and is a result of beyond buying (Henry 64) There are various disadvantages however that come along with the beyond budgeting technique. The major disadvantage is that the companies risk losing their customers. The reason for this is indirect though (Fleisher 78). When companies engage in beyond budgeting, they take up activities that seek to prove that they are superior to the rival company. This normally has the effect of the companies not paying attention to the actual requirements of the customers but rather work while reviewing the performance of the other companies to identify its market position. The normal result of this is the depreciation of the commodities produced by the companies (Gregory 32). There is also the issue of unhealthy competition. Unhealthy competition happens when two industries within a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Implications of Differences in National Culture for International Assignment
Implications of Differences in National Culture for International Business - Assignment Example Due to the tight spot that is progressively afflicting the large global companies, international business ethics has ascended to facilitate in attending to these oppressive subject issues. International business ethics makes an effort to contend with inquiries of what to accomplish in circumstances where ethical morals are scrapped and become at odds in consequence of different and, oftentimes, opposing cultural practices. Negotiations in the international business platform can be deliberated from a wide or a restricted sense: negotiations in a wide sense comprise nearly all, if not all, forms of "consultation, communication, discussion, exchanging of views, reaching a consensus, and formal negotiations" (Chang, 2006). Those which are in a restricted sense comprise the undertakings that are accomplished in locations that are openly or officially arranged for negotiations (Chang, 2006). The academic sphere of discussions gained differing stance towards the relationship between culture s and the manners of negotiations. A few people are certain about the fact that negotiations have turned out to be a collective and shared behavior, and notwithstanding the cultural upbringings of those involved in the negotiations, and in the international business in general, the manner of negotiations is achieved inside the pre-set structure. Nevertheless, there are still those who are positive about the fact that negotiations in different nations are divergent from each other in that they manifest manifold and, more often, conflicting forms, and are basically diverse. To a wide-ranging expanse, varying cultural backgrounds result in varying kinds of organizations. This relationship is not complete and conclusive, nonetheless, and labeling, categorizing should be evaded (Liu, 1996). To appreciate the influence of national cultural difference on multinational business and negotiations, as well as in terms of the decision making process, a multi-cultural study and the varying natio nal cultural strengths and weaknesses can be employed in order to project a differing countries’ potential behaviours in negotiation process, and to recognize the cultural factors that may impact the decision making process (Chang, 2006). It is normally considered that multicultural investigations are concentrated on particular occurrences and deliberate the parallels and differences among countries. While this type of investigation may have limited potential in terms of the selected nations or particular behaviors on international business negotiations, it remains to hold a considerable importance in terms of facilitating individuals to understand business negotiations in a global perspective considering that it touches on different values, behaviors, and decision-making models of individuals coming from different nations (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011). For instance, China and the United States have absolutely varying styles in carrying out a negotiation owing to: (1) Americans h ave diverse personalities in so far as the geographical divisions of Americans are concerned: â€Å"southern, eastern, and western regions are like different worlds†(Chang, 2006), as compared to (2) China’s extremely analogous, communism-inspired personality traits. National Cultural Differences and International Business Negotiations Regardless of the nature of the discussion of the personality traits as influenced by one's national culture, it is quite thought-provoking and challenging to profoundly comprehend and figure out international business negotiations considering that it involves manifold complex factors.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Psychology insight paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Psychology insight paper - Essay Example Another example is in sports, there are students which evidently have the potential to be an athlete but others excel more. One observation related to the reason for such cases is the initiative of a person to work and excel in specific areas. One student who is always reviewing math problems tend to join activities that can enhance the skills he has. On the other hand, the student who has more innate logical and mathematical skills achieves relatively lower marks. A realization regarding the matter came up when I personally inquired the reason why the student perceived to have more potential fails to enhance his skills and he gave a response that was based on his self perception. He perceived that he is not capable of excelling in the subject matter. Self-perception then became the focus of personal reflection. This is the manner by which a person sees himself. This can affect different aspect of his behavior and attitude. Generally, it can affect a person’s performance. If t he person perceives himself to be less than what he really is, his success and achievements are limited and hindered. On the other hand, when a person perceives himself to be more than his innate skills and talents, he can excel.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Leadership - Essay Example Large-scale organizational transformation is a developing art that has yet to produce any clear formulas for success, but more and more attention is being turned to executives as the principle agents of change and adaptation. It is increasingly common to assume that leadership plays the crucial role in an organization's successful adaptation to a changing world. Power and politics are a part of organization life in my organization. It is possible to determine thee types of power: expert, referral and coercive power. The most important factor of success is that the leader uses consultants and professionals as guides and teachers. With fewer vested interests and less baggage, they are also in a good position to help managers challenge their own worldviews and routines. Yet the use of consultants must be approached with caution. Often they have only a superficial understanding of the situation at hand, not being a long-term member of the organization. Because they frequently move on to new opportunities before the change is completely implemented, they may assume more of a short-term perspective than executives and managers do (Charan et al 2001). In order to balance the increasing demands placed on an individual, the leader introduces new ways of work and tries to establish informal communication between employees. In many respects, these are difficult to separate from the role of leadership in the change process because they either explicitly or implicitly make key assumptions about the leadership style of the organization.
Violence In Philadelphia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Violence In Philadelphia - Research Paper Example The society is headed for ethical and societal deterioration due to such criminal activities and lawlessness. Several organizations and centers have come into action to improve the conditions of the city by improving the morale and anger-management in the youth. These intend to improve the upcoming generations and simultaneously control the violence in Philadelphia. Apart from this, numerous pointers have also been identified by the local residents of Philadelphia through a community forum. These include law enforcement and severe penalties for those in defiance of the law. It also encourages the parental involvement in children’s lives in order to exercise control over them. Some have recognized the publicity of horrors the families of the unfortunate victims go through in order to make them realize the extent of these activities. An opinion has also arrived about controlling unwanted pregnancies by teenagers. The unwanted children have also become a factor of breeding hatred in the generations. Philadelphia is a one of the largest and most populous cities of Northeastern United States, lying in the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania. It was once the capital of United States before the capital was shifted to Washington. Philadelphia is said to be enriched with cultural and traditional background, historical occurrences and symbolism. Philadelphia is known by other names as well like â€Å"Philly†and â€Å"City of Brotherly Love†. According to a source, â€Å"(Philadelphia) is the sixth most populous city in the US, fifth largest city area by population in the US, and the US’s fourth largest consumer media market†(Pennsylvania). It is believed that 1.5 million people reside in the city alone. Philadelphia has contributed immensely to the American history, serving as the grounds for American Revolution and American Independence efforts initiated by Benjamin Franklin back in the 18th century. It was
Saturday, August 24, 2019
BUSINESS PLAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
BUSINESS PLAN - Essay Example Founded by Jorge Tapia, this testing facility furnishes a learning platform for local students studying in private and public schools, universities and graduation programs. There are two categories of authorized Cambridge ESOL centres, internal and open centers. Open centre have authority to conduct examinations for all candidates, regardless of whether they are enrolled in the institution or not (University of Cambridge, 2013). Vision statement Our corporation aims at educating masses of Guayaquil, helping them to gain fluent grip over English language within least time period and at lowest costs and thereby achieve success in globally recognized examinations. ... s: Strong barriers to entry by currently existing businesses Strict regulations, quality standards and close surveillance by Cambridge Market study This centre shall aim at catering students residing in localities of Guayaquil and Quito and other neighboring suburbs of Ecuador. Educational reforms in this region is one of the most underfunded and neglected national aspects (Pineo, 1996). Moving towards urbanization, these highly populated areas of Ecuador are gaining educational awareness. Recent statistics show that 37.6%, 34% and 12.7% of population has easy access to primary, secondary and superior education respectively. About 62% of total population (9.1 million people) represents the age group that can be targeted for providing FCE education while 66% represents the urban educated population (INEC & Quito Town Hall, 1990 & 2002). Mostly adults, especially males, have received some form of education, thereby indicating that masses are inclined to take educational measures (Carri on and Vasconez, 2003). Majority of citizens are moving towards learning English since this is the dominant language that is needed for public dealings and communications in foreign ties. Therefore, it has become a necessity for them now. To cater this, large number of institutes exists currently in both the territories that have a well-established market share and reputation, including Southern Cross Teacher Training Centre, EF School of English and British School of Language. However, I claim to provide exclusive and differentiated services to students with excellent trained faculty, career counseling mentors, technology-based teaching methods, tailored services and individual attention for each student at lowest costs. Marketing strategy Since these areas of Ecuador are most populated
Friday, August 23, 2019
COM101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
COM101 - Essay Example A factor in considering how to grab their attention relates to their personal and demographic information. An audience of older age cannot be targeted effectively using materials and ways of presentation suitable for youth and same is the case for professionals versus students as audience. Hence, there indeed is a need to understand the audience and target them effectively to remain centre of attention during the venture. I personally believe that a public speaker needs to be able to cope up with any possible reaction by the public and must be ready to face any kind of response or no response at all. The need is to remain calm and adapt to the situation immediately without getting confused or exhibiting the anxiety that the speaker might face. Conclusively, the responses one gets are unpredictable yet a good public speaker foresees the needs and plans accordingly with a backup plan to change as per the situation at
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The poems The Sick Rose, Ballad, To His Coy Mistress and A Woman to her Lover Essay Example for Free
The poems The Sick Rose, Ballad, To His Coy Mistress and A Woman to her Lover Essay The poems chosen all explore a different aspect of love through the use of poetic features, language and range of perspectives. Whilst Ballad was a female perspective, showing her physical relationship with a very devious man, To his Coy Mistress is from a male perspective, as he attempts, through a seductive yet rational argument, to win over his coy lady. A Woman to her Lover is also from a female perspective about a woman who demands equality. On the other hand, The Sick Rose shows an assault and destruction, telling of a secret love between man and women, possibly through rape or sexually transmitted diseases. Out of all the poems I read, the aspects of physical and spiritual relationships interest me the most because they provide diverse views towards love. Ballad which is a traditional song, of oral tradition, presents male courtship through the use of language, seasonal metaphors and through the story it tells. It is made up of quatrains, rhyming couplets and a refrain, the range of words which rhyme together emphasise the emotions and tone of the poem. Ballad is about a deceitful philanderer, who seeks a beautiful maid. The man gets the lady pregnant and, throughout the last few, we see how she wants to kill herself and the baby. The maid is the speaker of the story, which gives a female perspective, of the story and an insight into the consequences of courtship for the victim. The opening of the poem begins with the line A faithless shepherd courted me. The word faithless immediately tells us that the man is not committed. Furthermore it says, he stole away my liberty, the use of euphemism creating the impression that the man has stole her virginity and freedom. We later see that the liberty is her virginity and decorum. Therefore, this leaves the maid with no freedom, because in past times it was thought that a single mother was greatly detested and unlawful children were not respected. In addition the ending of stanza one reads: When my poor heart was strange to men, he came and smiled and stole it then. This illustrates a very naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve maiden, who seems very innocent. A calculated effect is gathered as he sees what shes like, and then he takes advantage of her. The repetition of the word and creates a very step by step calculation. In the second quatrain, the maid uses seasonal metaphors to show their happiness together; however, the second two lines of the quatrain, illustrates the shame of her pregnancy : When my apron would hang low, me he sought through frost and snow. : When it puckered up with shame, and I sought him, he never came. The opening line creates a picture that the maid is fine and slim, would hang low. The second line captures how he would only look after her when there was no responsibility. The use of a seasonal metaphor frost and snow shows the relationship between winter and sorrow. The third line gives the impression that she is pregnant; however, when she seeks him, hes not there. The maids pregnancy scare is euphemised by her apron puckering up. It also shows love can be shameful but also bring happiness. Stanza three brings back happiness as it says, When summer brought no fears to fright. She becomes joyful; again as she finds that her pregnancy was a scare and that she has no baby. The use of a seasonal metaphor clearly shows the relationship between joyfulness and the summer. It goes on to say how the man came to guard me every night. However, there is a major contrast when it says When winter nights did darkly prove, none came to guard me or to love. This shows how when shes pregnant, the man was not there. This gives the impression that he has run away. Referring back to the previous seasonal metaphor about summer, the winter is now associated with sorrow as the man has gone. The maid has been left alone in the cold, whilst pregnant. The seasonal imagery makes us feel more sorry for her. The beginning of the fourth quatrain, shows how the maid is feeling very regretful, I wish, I wish, but all in vain, I wish I was a maid again. The use of repetition shows a very apologetic maid who has lost her virginity and can never get it back. The end line of the stanza highlights that she wants to kill herself: O when will green grass cover me, this indicates that she wants to be buried under the green grass as she feels mortified. The following stanza reinforces her thoughts in stanza four, that she wants to die: I wish my sorrows all away my Soul with god, my body clay. This emphasises that she is very sad, and she wants to die, my body clay. We clearly see the promises the man made to the maid: He promised beds as fine as silk, and sheets for love as white as milk He promised her the world; however, he leaves her to want a bed of clay. This shows how she is left wanting a death bed, in contrast to the fine silk beds. The following stanza shows how the man is very uncaring towards her: He kept this sheep on yonder hill. His heart seemed soft but it was steel. this shows how he is weak soft on the inside; however, the use of antithesis, highlights how he promised a lot on the outside steel and also shows that he is very heartless. The maid highlights her regret about the relationship, O had I walked ere I did run. She implies that she should have walked slowly into the relationship, instead of rushing. Towards the end of the story, the poignant mood is reinforced: He has two hearts and I have none The contrast of having two hearts and none, illustrate how the man has taken her heart away from her. Furthermore, poignancy is shown through the use of diction, of sorrows in the time to come and Weeping on a strangers knee. The word, strangers knee implies that the father wont be there to care for them and the baby will be bought up by a stranger. The tenth stanza includes half-rhyme, brass-face, which emphasises the sorrow the lady is experiencing. The metaphor emphasises how she is feeling: My heart would break- but it is brass At the beginning of the poem the mans heart was steel; however, the maid now explains that the man has gone and she has hardened up inside, it is brass, and this implies that she is ready to kill herself as she is strong enough to do so. Furthermore, she says to see thee smile at words that be, the messengers of grief to me, which concludes that she decides to kill herself and the baby. In the final stanza there is a major contrast to the beginning as she says: Ive made thy pillow on a thorn Compared to the middle of the poem where it says Beds fine as silk, she know goes on to show how she is lying her head on thorns. The final two sentences illustrate that she is going to kill both her and her baby as the word our is repeated three times, possibly to reinforce her mind that both of them are going to die. Overall, the poem is a very universal one; to me the poem is about a betrayal in love. Though the poem includes physical relationship, the lady is disowned during her pregnancy and the results in a fatal ending of death. In contrast, To his Coy Mistress is about a speaker who attempts, through a seductive yet logical argument, to win over his coy lady. Whilst both poems To his Coy Mistress and Ballad highlight the underlying themes of love, time and death, in Ballad this is achieved through a series of seasonal metaphors, range of language and diction, whereas in To his Coy Mistress the use of rhyming couplets and a syllogistic argument help construct an argument for sex. At the start of the poem, the man tells the lady not to be shy: This coyness, lady, were no crime This shows how the man is trying to explain to the lady that, if they had more time in the world, it would be acceptable to be shy. He goes on to say that he imagines that they are separated by two rivers: Thou by the Indian Ganges side shouldst rubies find; I by the tide of Humber would complain.___________________________ The man goes on to express his feeling of having more eternity: My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires and more slow. The use of erectile images clearly gives the picture that he has a growing love for the lady, and she is a natural vegetable waiting to be picked. On the other hand, this could also mean he is waiting to have sexual intercourse, as the lady has yet not picked his genitals, yet they are growing with love. The man also uses a persuasive technique to persuade the woman: Two hundred to adore each breast, the used of hyperbole two hundred, makes the lady feel even more beautiful and more confident of herself. Furthermore, he goes on to say how he has another side to him: And the last age should show your heart This word heart suggests that the man is convincing the lady that he is very romantic and not just sexual. In the second stanza, the man uses language which implies that they are getting older each day. The opening line of the second stanza reads But at my back I always hear, this shows it could be a possible turning point. Moreover, the man says Deserts of vast eternity, showing the lady that without her, his life is barren and desolate. Further on in the stanza, he explains how she will lose her virginity to worms: My echoing song; then worms shall try That long preservd virginity The word worms illustrates shocking imagery, and the two lines mock idealised romantic poetry. The third stanza, explains how the man trys to tell the lady to have sex now, whilst they still have time. The opening explains his feelings: Now therefore while the youthful hue The word youthful shows that they should have sex whilst they are young. The fourth line of the stanza shows that she is ready to have sex, At every pore with instant fires. The man further goes on to say that he and the lady should take advantage of the moment: Now let us sport while we may The word sport is used instead of sex, to show that sex can be fun and you dont have to be shy about it. He also uses a simile to show how they are loving birds, And now, like amorous birds of prey, amorous birds are associated as long; therefore, he compares him and the lady to loving birds. He continues to talk about time, Rather at once our time devour, he explains how they should make good use of the time. Towards the end of the poem he uses very passionate and energetic words: And tear our pleasure with rough strife Thorough the iron gates of life The words rough strife explain how joyful he is, and the words iron gates of life, show how passionate he is. The final two lines of the poem, show that the man wants to enjoy the time with the lady whilst they can: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run The suttle pun suggests that they could have a baby. The word sun could possibly have two meanings of having a son or just that it is near the end of their life. Furthermore, the word run could mean that they will make their sun run. The rhyming couplets in the poem create a very upbeat and jaunty tone. We know that the man has constructed a very logical argument, because he uses words such as We could spend decades or even centuries in courtship if time stood still and we remained young., in addition, But time passes swiftly and relentlessly, Therefore, we must enjoy the pleasure of each other now, without further ado. We also know when the conclusion of the poem is because he uses words such as Now therefore, And now, and thus.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
History Of The Film Amazing Grace Theology Religion Essay
History Of The Film Amazing Grace Theology Religion Essay The movie Amazing Grace is all about an extraordinary man named William Wilberforce. In 1784 when he was twenty-one years old, Wilberforce was elected into the British House of Common where he became a politician. A few years later, William Pitt, a close friend of Wilberforces, became prime minister. Together these two came together and introduced a bill banning slavery. Although Wilberforce has the help of anti-slavery activists, there were many people that supported slavery and as a result the bill was not passed. Unfortunately in 1797 Wilberforce was forced to leave his career in politics due to his poor health so he moved into a country home of one of his friends. Here he then meets a woman named Barbara Spooner. Spooner encourages Wilberforce to not give up his goals so he then launches a second campaign to convince Englands lawmakers to end slave trade. William Wilberforce was a very strong Christian and he put all of his faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Wilberforce had very strong foundational values as can be seen throughout the movie through his actions and choices. Wilberforces faith changed him from being a careless wealthy politician into a public servant that was compassionate and caring towards everyone. He used his gifts and skills in order to help create a better society. Wilberforce was very strong in character as he had very strong morals and always knew the right thing to do. While most of society at that time accepted slavery as being a necessity, Wilberforce did not conform. Most people back then has been brainwashed into believing that slavery was okay, but thats not how Wilberforce thought. He saw that slavery was a cruel and evil thing. He knew that it was against Gods will so he did his best in order to end slavery in England. Unfortunately his bill was struck down, but even this did not stop him. He later came ba ck with another attempt at banning slave trade. Wilberforce obviously had very strong faith and character, and as suspected he was very much a servant and did all that he could in order to abolish slavery. Wilberforce literally did everything that he could do in order to end slavery in England. This introduces another question: why would Wilberforce go into so much trouble for something that didnt affect him? This is because he was an excellent servant. Although Wilberforce himself was not a slave he still saw the harm it was causing and he knew the suffering many people were going through because of it. He saw this and knew that he needed to do all that he could in order to help. Although he may have not reached the desired outcome at first, he did everything that he could and worked extremely hard and in the end he was able to abolish slavery. William Wilberforce was uniquely designed by God and therefore has both numerous strengths and weaknesses. One of Wilberforces strengths was that he was a very strong faith. Although there were many difficulties and struggles that Wilberforce was forced to encounter, he always put his trust and faith in God. This ultimately led to his success in abolishing slavery. Although things got difficult for William he never lost his faith in God and because of this incredible faith and persistence he was then able to abolish slavery in England for good. Wilberforce was very passionate about two main things in his first: God and abolishing slavery. Both of these passions were very closely connected together and they both had major impacts on his life. William believed in God and wanted to do everything that he could for Him, and that is where slavery became involved. William knew that slavery was contrary to Gods will and as a result he dedicated his life to abolishing it, but he knew that he couldnt do it all by himself. Wilberforce had a few friends to help him, but God is where most of the help came from. One major experience that had an impact of Wilberforces life purpose was when his bill was declined the first time. Wilberforce was obviously devastated and didnt know exactly what to do. He then moved out to the country where he was then convinced by Barbara Spooner that he had been fighting for a very noble cause and never should have given up in the first place. In my opinion, this is when Wilberforce truly understood his life calling. Up until this point he had been very passionate about the cause, but now his passion has been restored and is even stronger than it had been before. He then realizes that it is his duty to end slavery and as a result he starts up a second campaign. This campaign is much more successful than his previous one and he ends up abolishing slave trade in England. Overall, William Wilberforce was uniquely designed by Jesus Christ and this c an be seen all throughout his life. Wilberforce was able to do incredible things because of Gods help and these experiences that helped strengthen his faith and trust in God. Because William Wilberforce was uniquely designed, he was different than everyone else. This means that he had his very own unique personal mission or life calling. Wilberforces life calling was to make the world a better place. This included getting rid of slavery in England. God opened his eyes in such a way that Wilberforce was able to see the horror of slavery and all of the tragedies it was causing. Wilberforce then realized that slavery was against Gods will and he did the best that he could to get it abolished. He worked restlessly trying to abolish slavery even though he faced many hardships. When his first bill was not passed Wilberforce was crushed, but that did not stop him. William kept on going even after his bill was struck down. He was definitely discouraged at this point but he didnt give up all hope. He persisted and kept on going with his attempts to abolish slavery. In the end, all of these attempts were successful and slavery was then abolished. William Wilberforc e had finally fulfilled his life calling. Wilberforce was drawn to helping those in need and those who were treated unfairly which is why he was so passionate about making slavery illegal. He knew it was bad and he wanted to make the world a better place. Wilberforces vision of a better world was not only one without slavery, but also one where people had freedoms and liberties. He was a very strong Christian and as a result he wanted the world to reflect Gods desires for mankind. He wanted everyone to serve God and each other so that the world would be a less sinful place. Wilberforces main strategy for accomplishing these goals was by putting all of his faith and trust in God. William knew that he couldnt accomplish anything by himself and the he needed help. This help came from God and from numerous other individuals that helped him. He put all of his trust in God even when it seemed like there was nothing that could be done. Because William was able to completely rely on God, Go d was able to work through him and accomplish what needed to be done. William, with Gods help, was able to then abolish slavery and make the world a better place. One very obvious roadblock that William Wilberforce had to overcome was when his first bill was rejected. Wilberforce was very frustrated at this point and he started to lose all hope. Wilberforce became sick and as a result he moved into one of his friends country house. He lived her a while as he was recovering, but then he met someone very special. This need friend of his was Barbara Spooner, and they shared very similar views. Spooner also believed that slavery was a bad thing and that it needed to go. She then encouraged Wilberforce to try again and she told him he should have never given up such a noble cause. Finally, Wilberforce started to overcome this gigantic roadblock in his life. It took much encouragement from Barbara as well as a large amount of faith in God. Wilberforce was already discouraged so he ended up relying on God more than ever and as a result God let his will be done and Wilberforce was successful in the end. Wilberforce put all of his trust and faith in God, and the way that he lived out his life and trusted in God is a great example for the rest of the world. William worked tirelessly and devoted his life to a cause because he knew that it was wrong and contrary to Gods will. As a result he did everything that he could in order to abolish slavery. He went through many struggles and difficulties, but never gave up. This is a great example of how we should be leading out lives. Although times may get tough in our lives, we need to realize what Gods will is a fight through it. Life will throw many roadblocks in our way and sometimes they will seem impossible to overcome. However, if we put all of our faith in God we will then be able to overcome even the most impossible struggles and make the world a better place. William Wilberforce went through many difficulties and struggles in his life, but he never managed to lose sight of what he was doing it for. He was not only doing it to help tho se that were enslaved, but also to make the world a godlier place. He saw that the world was a very sinful place and he sought to change that. This is how we all need to live our lives. We should see the sinfulness in the world and despise it. We should then do everything that we can to destroy evil and make the world a better place so that through everything we do we serve God and do His will.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Strategic Management and Leadership at Tesco
Strategic Management and Leadership at Tesco Introduction: To increase the competitiveness of every business unit corporate leaders implemented and adapted one of the best way called Strategic Planning in the mid 1960s. Strategic planning is a combination of long term process taken step by step of its action to produce best instructions in terms of its drivers may not get wrong strategy (Mintzberg,1994). Background: Tesco is the UKs most successful and high profile supermarket and one of the worlds leading international retailers. Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen at east London in 1919. The name came about after Jack Cohen bought a shipment of tea from T.S. Stockwell. He made new labels using the first three letters of the suppliers name (TES), and the first two letters of his surname (CO), forming the word TESCO ( Tesco is the market leader of the supermarket industry in UK with revenue of  £38.558 billion including VAT and  £62.537 billion of revenue worldwide in 2010 ( Even in this recession Tesco has made an incredible  £3.4 billion profit worldwide this year ( Task 1: understand the external environment affecting the organisation 1.1: Importance of external factors affecting TESCO PESTEL analysis: A PESTLE analysis for Tesco must consider all the important external factors impacting on the company. These factors may have political, economic, sociological, technological, legal or environmental dimensions. Tescos operations obviously have a significant environmental impact, from fossil fuel use to packaging issues. Reducing the demand on the planet is a challenge for any big company. Tesco must look at all the six factors we have mentioned, which are discussed below: Political: The increase numbers of political instability can affect the business by the Democratic government, political legislation. Economic: rate of inflation, interest rate, competition demand, employment level, income level Sociological: population demographics ,Lifestle, pattern of social interection, Religion, Believes, Norms Technological: Level of skilled Manpower, Transportation. legal: Employment laws, Consumers protection laws, investments laws and Health Safety laws (Class lecture). Environmental: climate change is affecting supply and transport, how can Tesco adapt (Class lecture). 1.2 The needs and expectations of stakeholders in TESCO Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholder analysis is the document information is provided for the key stakeholders Names and organisation, their role in the project, their level of interest within the company, their influence in the individual project and suggestion for managing relationship among each stakeholder Schwalbe (2007). Stake holder is person or group of people who have legitimate interest in the company and who have direct and indirect communication to the company. Stakeholder analysis system Tesco can apply to know the needs and expectations of stakeholders in Tesco. Organisation Customer Supplier Employees and Managers Government Media TESCO external relationship with TESCO Connected relationship with Tesco Who have internal relationship with Tesco Who is externally linked with Tesco Who have external relationship with Tesco Role in the project Who buy their shopping from TESCO Supply the product to Tesco Who work for Tesco Who impose the VAT, Taxes, rent and rate etc Supply the information to customer about Tesco Product. Unique fact Quite demanding for quality of product Requires on time payment for supplies To be treated fairly and getting promotion Government regulation is obeyed by Tesco Quality of product available for Customer Interest Personal Value for money Timely payment Continuity of businesses Personal Job security Career opportunity Employment for community Taxation Adherence to regulation Protection of public interest Informational to target audience Level of influence Very high level of Influence Moderate level of influence High level of influence High level of influence Low level of influence (Modified form of Stakeholder Analysis) 1.3: Analyse the major change taking place in the external environment and how they would affect the strategic decision in Tesco. Tesco as one of the multinational retail supermarket is undergoing a major Economic change in the external environment. It has identified the Economic change of its market extension in Asia despite the Economic down turn. Tesco has identified the Asian supermarket as a long term opportunities for them. It has been continuing the investment in Asian market through the Economic downturn to make sure that Tesco will be in an even stronger position as the recession recover. As the market extension plan increasing Tesco has its plan of open 4.9 m square ft in this year (including shopping mall) across the region. The segment of external environment plan across Asia is explained below (Tesco China: Tesco has the plan to base the foundation of its market in China for long term growth. It has already opened 17 hypermarkets including three Lifespace shopping centres in deferent cities. It has also the plan of opening 23 hypermarkets in 2010 / 11 in the financial year in which 9 will be lifespace shopping mall (Tesco Economic factors: Economy in China are getting stronger and stronger day by day as the all developed countries are moving to China to invest as that countrys Economic environment growing up. As the China is the world most populist country in the but the unemployment rate in that country are comparatively low than any other developing country. The inflation rates are getting lower and lower as the economy getting faster. Political factors: China is a communist country but the political environment and the situation is very stable. China has legislated its countrys government legal and policy as to be comfortable for foreign investor. Technological factor: China has the most updated Technology in the world. It has the infrastructure of providing the sensitive technology to the rest of the world. As all the supermarkets buy the latest technology for their company from china so the Tesco can better implement the technology in China. Task 2: Review the existing business plans and strategies in Tesco 2.1: Using appropriate tools to analyse the effect of current business plan in Tesco The appropriate tools of analysing the current business plan are to do SWOT analysis and BCG Matrix analysis for Tesco. SWOT analysis is to know what Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats Tesco have in order to run the current business. BCG matrix analysis helps Tesco to develop appropriate strategies for each product. 2.1.1. SWOT Analysis: Strength: Tesco is the largest Supermarket chain in the UK (4811 outlets) Tesco has very strong brand name and financially powerful It has more than 90 years of service sector history (established 1919) It has grew up through acquisition It is third largest retailer in the world. Better use of technology and marketing Weaknesses: It is potentially would be difficult for Tesco to focus in single market for specialisation as it is entering numbers of different markets. Diversification into unrelated and less experience businesses (e.g. Insurance). Unclear environmental policies High dependency on UK domestic market. Opportunities: Strategic alliance with other company which is good opportunity for Tesco. Market extension is one of the conducive opportunity for Tesco Joint venture can bring good opportunity for Tesco. is online shopping site for Tesco can be attractive for Tesco. Threats: Intensive competition in the UK with Sainsburys, Marks Spencer and Morrisons, ASDA Government Cut and increases in Tax will have retrospective effect on Tesco Finances organ Customer is always the big threats for Tesco 2.1.2. BCG Matrix analysis: The BCG Matrix Star Computer games Financial products (credit cards and insurance) Question Mark? Or Problem child Tesco Mobile Cash Cow Fresh produce Groceries/wine fashion Dog Saucer crisp packaging High Market growth rate Low High Low Relative Market share Star: Tesco is a Star with high market share and high market growth retail industry. It is because Tesco has the potentiality of generating significant income. Tesco is investing more money to attain maximum benefit of being a Star. Cash cow: Tesco could be considered as a cash cow with high market share but high market share. Because its Distributions, Quality and extra service to the consumer and equipped with new innovation product in the UK. It has to maintain the current strategy and the existing market activities. Question mark: Tesco is definitely not the question mark. Because of the Tesco financial service, Tesco insurance and the Tesco Mobile has not yet have the maturity in the market. Dog: Tesco can be considered as a Dog in that case of removing the idol product from the Market. 2.2. Review the position of Tesco in its current market: Reviews the current market position of Tesco is the best process of evaluating its present performance in the market and identify the market share and market growth. Tesco market position Chart: Retail market position Tesco: The given chart shows Tesco has 30.3% of present market Sainsburys: Sainsbury has total 16.5% of present market. Asda: The given chart shows Asda has 16.9% of current market share. Morrison: Morrison has 12.3% of current market position Waitrose: Waitrose has 4.4% of present market position. Others: the combined market position of Aldi, Netto,and Lidl stood at 18.6% (wall street journal,2011) 2.3. Evaluate the competitive strengths and weakness of Tesco current business strategies 2.3.1. Competitive strengths: Tesco is the largest Supermarket chain in the UK Tesco has very strong brand name and financially powerful It has more than 90 years of service sector history It has grew up through accusations Tesco represent in 4811 locations It is third largest retailer in the world. Better use of technology and marketing The largest retailer in the world after Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Performing its operation in 13 countries worldwide Strongly committed for corporate social responsibility. It has been famous for Food, Drinks, Clothing, Electronics, Financial services, Telecom, Home insurance and for Tesco fuel (Tesco SWOT analysis, 2010). 2.3.2 Competitive Weakness: Customer is big threats for Tesco. Environmental disaster can bring the business down like-snow fall, volcanoes etc. It is potentially would be difficult for Tesco to focus in single market for specialisation as it is entering numbers of different markets. Lack of experience in insurance and phone market may be destructive for their business. It has very high transportation cost Vast amount of fuel used for transportation which not friendly to the environment Most dependency on UK markets can be risky in the case of market down turn. Tesco position in of high price product can reduce the revenue in the competitive market (Tesco SWOT analysis, 2011) 2.3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness in Tesco: Tesco as one of the multinational supermarket in the UK has its Strength is very competitive and constructive against the competitors. Tesco has enriched its strengths to be competitive in the market. Tesco has the strategy to implement the strength in the wider field. It has mainly identified and selected the strengths for expansion its markets internationally. Tesco has its weaknesses very little comparing to the strengths. The effectiveness of the Tesco weaknesses is to transform them into potential strengths. Tesco has the weakness is to identify them and focus to avoid the potential risk which may arise. Task 3: Developing options for strategic planning for Tesco 3.1: Using modelling tools to develop strategic options for Tesco Porter generic strategy has been identified the appropriate strategy for developing strategic options. According to porter Competitive strategy is the search for favourable competitive position in the industry, which can erode or improve depending on a firms choice of strategy. (Porter, 1980). It has identified four conceptual steps which is indented to identify the competitive advantages in the business performance (Eldring, 2009). Porter Generic strategies Cost leadership Differentiation Cost focus Differentiation Focus Broad scope Narrow scope Source of Competitive Advantage 3.1.1. Cost leadership: Tesco has the attempted to become the low cost producer in the retail industry in order to accumulate highest t profit by setting a standard product price. It has the strategy to focus on low cost leadership strategy in every activity and invest the extra profit into the Market. 3.1.2 Differentiation: Although Tesco follows the cost leadership strategy but it is price sensitive and responsible for quality product. 3.1.3. Cost focus: Tesco as the UK largest supermarket retailer do not follow the cost focus or niche market strategy. 3.1.4. Differentiation focus: Tesco as one the biggest supermarket in the UK has differentiation focus strategy of identifying the segmented market among the competitors to remain reliable and competitive. 3.2. Developing a comparative understanding of activity from Tesco in the market According to Laura lake A positioning map, is a useful tool for planning your position relative to your competitors position. It helps you map key attributes of you and your competitors product, service or business. A basic positioning map containing a graph that has two points: one being high quality and other opposite site of the graph representing low quality. Rank yourself and your competitors on the graph based on the perception of the consumers (Lake, 2009). A consumer positioning map is a tool which is intended to identify the position of a brand in the market and rank the company by the market place it has in the market. Consumer Position Map High Product Quality Premium brand Bargaining Brand Sainsburys Tesco Asda, Waitrose High cost Low cost Cowboy Brand Economy Brand Marks Spencer Ice land, Lidl, Aldi. Co-operative Low product quality Tesco Market position 3.3. Create options to form the basic future Tesco strategy Creating options to form the basic future Tesco strategy could be Ansoff Matrix. Tesco as one of the giant supermarket in the UK has remained highly competitive with the competitors. Tesco corporate Strategy has made us to understand the reason of being most high profile supermarket chain in the UK and one of the worlds leading international retailer. Ansoff Matrix to analyse Tesco future Strategy Ansoff Matrix for Tesco Current New Market Penetration UK core retail market Product Development Non-food retail market like Tesco Mobile, Insurance, Cloths, Tesco fuel. Market Development International retail market Like Asia, Europe, United States Diversification Non -food retail market (organically and non-organic diversification) Current New Source: Tesco corporate Strategy 2010 Task 4.Develop a strategic plan for the organisation 4.1 A suitable structure that would ensure participation of all stakeholders in Tesco. Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder is suitable structure that would ensure participation of all stakeholders in Tesco. Stakeholder Mapping Level of interest Low High A GOVERNMENT B SUPPLIERS C CUSTOMER D INVESTOR Low Power High Government: Government has low level of interest by the change Tesco brought into service. Suppliers: Investor who put the money in Tesco has high level of interest by the change has happened. Customer: Customer has low level of interest of what Tesco has brought the change. Investors: Supplier as internal stake holder has high level of interest of what change has brought into Tesco. Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholders are those people who have legitimate interest in Tesco. There are six steps of analysing the stakeholder in Tesco. Those steps are Step 1.Identify stakeholders: Identifying the stakeholders is the first step of analysing the stakeholder in Tesco. The stakeholders are in Tesco is Customers, suppliers, Buyers, Employees Managers, Community, Government, and Media. Step 2.Prioritise Stakeholder: Prioritise the stakeholders in Tesco according to their attribution is very important element of bring the development in Tesco. It is an effective process of gradual involvement. Step 3.Develop an engagement strategy: One of the important element of stakeholder analysis is to develop an engagement strategy of stakeholders with Tesco. It brings the commitments and individual duties belong to individual into practice. The methods of involvement could be: Meetings, presentations, Group facilitation, Delegating, develop and share a change plan. Step 4.Map their profile: Mapping their profile according to their level of influence and Level of interest is significant element of analysing stakeholder profile. Step 5.Optimise their support: Stakeholder analysis is the effective way of involving Stakeholders into direct and indirect approach of Tesco activities. Optimising their support means, the support is provided by stakeholder is to utilise them in the best possible way. Utilise the support of stakeholders resources. Step 6.Monitor changes: Changes may come according to the demand of time. It is vital to monitor the changes may come potentially. 4.2 Develop criteria for reviewing potential options for strategy plan Developing the criteria for strategic management plan is a form of various sources. The reviewing options are to identify the effect of management strategy in Tesco. The options consist of Attractiveness to stakeholder: The criteria that involve the stakeholder must have the attractiveness to the stakeholder. It should reserve the interest of Stakeholder and to be attractive to them Feasibility studies: Tesco has Human resource management of 472,000 people work for Tesco. It has got Technological approach of applying the self service till and online shopping service for the consumer. Effects on Market position and share: The criterion of making the potential options for strategic plan is to assess the effect on present market position (30.3%) and the share it has. Risk assessment: The option for strategy plan is to identify the potential risk and assess it properly which may arise anytime during the strategic plan. Cost benefit analysis: Commercial Cost benefit analysis is a process of measuring, comparing and identifying the commercial cost that involve the investment in return of benefit in Tesco. 4.3. Construct an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication: Construct an agreed strategic plan that includes SOSTAC. This can be applied to identify the resource implication. SOSTAC stands for S- Situational, O- Objectives, S- Strategy, T- Tactics, A- Application, C- Control. Among all the meaning of SOSTAC Application could be used for an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication. Tesco resource implication Activities 2011 2012 Budget Research(cut the cost of living) Reward(share to be given to staff) Outlets(in china) Community Environment Jan June July Dec Jan June July Dec  £200 millions  £98 millions  £170 millions  £7 millions . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. Source: Task 5.Examining factors Tesco strategy plan: 5.1 Compare core organisational values with current business objectives of Tesco. Tesco as a most successful high profile supermarket retailer in the UK and one of the worlds leading international retailer has generated its core organisational value with its current business objectives. Ethical value with objectives: Tesco as the one of the giant supermarket has very strong Ethical value with its stakeholder. It has 91% of suppliers around the world say Tesco treat them with respect. It has the plan of roll out ethical trading incentives schemes and Trading fairly Awards to two further product categories in the UK as key performance indicators for 2011( Cultural value with objectives: Tesco as most successful supermarket has the objectives of creating a beautiful place to work for everyone. Tesco has 19% of board directors are women. Developing more local leaders in each country remains a key priority ( Environmental value with objectives: Tesco has more accountability of practising environmental issue. It is very responsible on environmental impact. It has got the plan of reducing carbon dioxide emission 5.5% compared to 2009. It has set up a target of become zero carbon business by 2050(Tesco 5.2 Develop appropriate mission and vision statement of Tesco: Tesco mission statement: Treat the customers as the best way they can be. Tesco vision statement: Tesco must go with the statement of Every Little Helps. It has come through the massive amount of simply selling Groceries to Tesco extra where possible everything is available for customer. As we are growing up internationally we should remain focus of earning the lifelong loyalty as representing local. 5.3 Producing agreed future Management objectives for Tesco: Tesco future management objectives Tesco to be no 1 as a international retailer within 10 years To have 60% of the UK core business by next 5 years To be successful in non-food as successful in food.( Mobile, Insurance, electronics ) by 2015 To be recognised by community of what we do by regular contribution within next 5 years. Objectives with SMART: Tesco should implement the objectives with SMART. The SMART stands for Specific: Tesco management future objectives should be based on Specification of what Tesco need to do. Measurable: Appropriate measure must be taken in order to implement the objectives. Achievable: The objectives must be based on the potentiality of being achieved. Realistic: To avoid the unprecedented acts Tesco must place its objective on realistic. Time based: To be competitive in the market locally and internationally Tesco must utilise the objectives on time and should have proper time frame. Strategy: To be competitive in the market place Tesco need to follow the porter five forces. 5.4 Develop measures for evaluating a strategic plan: Tesco as one of the multinational high profile supermarket need to develop some measures for evaluating strategic plan. The evaluation of strategic plan is to be placed on specific elements. The strategic plan for Tesco: The area of strategic plan is consist of Environment, Communities, The responsibility of buying and selling products, Healthy choice for consumer, employees and managers. Items Descriptions Duration Environment Carbon dioxide emission to reduce By 2020 30% and 100% by 2050 Community Tesco need to work for the local community to involve them with Tesco In the relative time consume. Faire trade Healthy choice Job Tesco need to be 100% fair trade in the market Tesco need to provide more healthier food for customer Tesco need to employ more women at the high level position for not being discriminated In the comparative market time By next five years By 2015 Environment: Tesco as responsible supermarket need to broaden the climate change strategy by focusing reducing in the chain of supply by 30% by 2020. It also needs to reduce the emission of distribution network chain by 10% compared to last year. Community: Tescos community programme needs to carry out in locally in deferent culture in deferent country in order to benefit by the local people while experiencing the international. Tesco need to have a strategy Fair Trade Model when buying and selling the products. Healthy Choice for customer: To carry out the policy of providing healthy choice Tesco need to impose a strict rule of selling Alcohol. It should focus on encouraging customer to eat more healthy food in order to avoid the risk of bad and embarrassing health. To make Tesco level place for everyone it need to ensure that women are in the better represented at senior level wherever Tesco operate. It also needs to employ more local leader as a key importance. 6.2: Create appropriate dissemination process to get commitment from the stakeholder in Tesco. To get the commitment from customer and retain them with the organisation Tesco need to apply appropriate process of making effective communication to the customer. The effective dissemination processes are discussed below. Through Media: To make a positive and productive communication with Stakeholder Tesco can contact by media with to get their feedback to be more commitment with them. Newspapers: In order to make the effective communication with stakeholder Newspapers in one of the appropriate process of making them involved with Tesco. Tesco can regularly supply the information to stakeholder and let them know what is the contribution is kept by them. 6.3: Design monitoring and evaluate systems for the implementation of the strategic plan in Tesco: Strategic plan: Strategic plan that includes SOSTAC. This can be applied to identify the resource implication. SOSTAC stands for S- Situational, O- Objectives, S- Strategy, T- Tactics, A- Application, C- Control. Among all the meaning of SOSTAC Application could be used for an agreed strategic plan that includes resource implication. The strategic plan of SOSTAC is the effective plan that Tesco Can apply. Monitoring evaluating system: Monitoring and evaluating the system is discussed below. There are many types of monitoring system. Which are. Goal based Evaluation: In order to implement the strategic plan set up a goal based on evaluation in Tesco. Goal base evaluation is a conducive way of monitor the progress when the implementations are taking place. Outcome based evaluation: when the implementations are taking place check out the outcome of the progress is very important way of implementing the strategic plan Regular reports: Set up a monitoring team those will submit the report on regular based to identify whether the Strategic plan are taking place or not. Meetings: The meetings may take place on regular based between the coalition teams to know how the implementation are taking place and the results of meetings can help to develop the expected Strategic plan. Conclusion: In order to remain in the market place implementing and analysing of the strategic plan is very important for Tesco to adapt. The strategic plan is the continuous and gradual approaches of applying in to the company. Tesco as one of the most successful international retailer it should follow the strategic plan to be more competitive among the rivals.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Stagecoach Essay -- essays papers
Stagecoach An Interpretation of 'Stagecoach' In 1939 John Ford masterminded a classical western film by the name of Stagecoach. This film has the integrity of a fine work of art. Being that it could be considered a work of art, the impression left on a viewing audience could differ relying on the audience's demographics. However, it is conceivable to all audiences that Ford delivers a cast of characters that are built on stereotypes and perceptions conjured from 'B' westerns that preceded this film's time. Each character is introduced to the audience in a stereotypical genre, as the film progresses, these stereotypes are broken down and the characters become more humanized. This is apparent with a handful of characters being portrayed better than others. One can investigate each individual character to correlate such a pattern. The characters are, in no particular order: Curly, Hatfield, Gatewood, Peacock, the stagecoach driver, Dallas, Lady Mallory, and of course Ringo. Robert Slotkin writes in Gunfighter nation, " . . . by 1890 it was clear that the industrialization of the economy had produced a social order in which wealth and power would increasingly be concentrated in the hands of relatively few men . . . "(p 31). It was this social order that influenced iconography of many 'B' westerns. Such iconography would create the ideal of the crooked banker, or the shoot em' up outlaw and even a brothel prostitute, all of which are found in Ford's Stagecoach. The social classes that each character can generally be categorized as an upper, middle and lower class. In Stagecoach the upper class is composed of Gatewood and Lady Mallory. Gatewood is first introduced as a stern and modest character and part remains to be for most of the film. He exemplifies the 'B' western icon of the crooked banker in every manner. His crooked behavior is not revealed until the end of the film climaxing at his arrest as the stagecoach reaches town. His actions are arrogant and always in line with a financial mind set. His main focus was bag full of money, nothing else. Even as the stagecoach was under siege by the savage Indians, the audience could catch a glimpse of Gatewood clasping his bag rather than brandishing a firearm. Gatewood's character is one of those that does not stray from the 'B' side icon. He is clearly plays the stereotype of the financia... ...le and by Curly. On the contrary when Ringo is first seen in the movie he is not violent nor is he much of a menace. He seems to be a real gentle man, as one may have noticed in his actions toward Dallas even after finding what her line of work was. He is not ill mannered nor tempermental. He is on a mission to seek revenge as any man rightfully would. He is a far cry from his gun toting tobacco spitting counterpart in the ‘B' westerns. The stagecoach driver is the last of these unique characters. Typically, he is charactered in ‘B' westerns as being filthy, blockheaded and offensive. Despite his crackled voice and foolish nature, the stagecoach driver was anything but these descriptions. Granted, at times he may not have said the smartest of things or have been the bravest of men during the film, but he does come off as a sensible good minded man. Every character of Ford's Stagecoach was derived from the ‘B' westerns to years before. Each one is usually introduced in that genre of the ‘B' western. Ford has a unique way he portrays these characters. He shed new light on stereotypes that are not commonly broken. It truly was one of the many factors that made this film unique.
Martin Luther :: History
Martin Luther When studying the facets of Western Civilization, a few recurring questions must be analyzed. Will those in power abuse it? Unfortunately, yes. Does freedom spawn intellectual, technological and social progress? For the most part, yes. Was Martin Luther, in historical terms, a â€Å"bad ass?†Carter Lindberg states in his book The European Reformations, â€Å"An initial move to control the complicated and multifaceted reality of the Reformation is to define the terms used for it and the era it covers.†In order to secure Luther in the annuals of history as a â€Å"bad ass†, one must not only clarify the characteristics of that title, but also view his accomplishments in a 21st Century frame of reference. First, it should be determined which historical figures might fall into the category of being labeled a â€Å"bad ass.†At this point, the common characteristics of a historical â€Å"bad ass†will become evident. Second, after determining these cha racteristics, they then must be applied to Luther and the result will be forthcoming. Possible historical â€Å"bad asses†(chronologically): Hammurabi, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Marc Antony, Julius Caesar, Jesus Christ, Augustus Casear, Muhammad, William the Conqueror, Genghis Kahn, Leonardo da Vinci, Magellan, Louis XIV, Thomas Jefferson, Và ¢clav Havel, Roberto Baggio and Bill Clinton. Just looking at this shortlist, it’s noticeable that most of these men were in a position of power. Except for Socrates, Jesus, Leonardo, Magellan and Baggio, these individuals were in a position of direct political or military authority and in some cases both. Let’s take a more detailed look at Alexander, Hannibal, Jesus, Muhammad and Magellan. Alexander the Great- Son of King Phillip of Macedonia. He was tutored by Aristotle and despite his classical education became one of the greatest military geniuses ever. At the time of this death, Alexander commanded an empire that stretched from the Mediterranean basin to Persia. Glenn Blackburn, author of Western Civilization: A Concise History Vol. 1, gives this description of Alexander. â€Å"Some historians believe that he was simply a great military leader who knew well how to fight and conquer. Others see Alexander as what he claimed to be, an apostle of Greek culture who used Greek language and institutions to unify a cosmopolitan empire†(p.82). Alexander’s greatness was even acknowledged in the motion picture Die Hard. The films antagonist, Hans Gruber remarks, â€Å"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Decrease Of Teen Pregnancy Rate :: essays research papers
The overall teen birth rate has declined by 16 percent from 1991 to 1997. â€Å"All states are recording a decline and it is the sixth year in a row that the teen birth rate has declined,†stated Donna Shalala, HHS secretary of U. S. Newswire. Although the birthrate among teens is decreasing and the percentage of teenagers who have had sexual intercourse is declining, it is a multi-fauceted problem affecting today’s youth. The government is taking in to consideration all possibilities and conditions with teen births to make an affective way to prevent it.      Teenage pregnancy is a condition that can be controlled in many instances. Congress’ campaign is â€Å"To reduce the teenage pregnancy by supporting values and stimulating actions that are consistent with a pregnancy-free adolescence,†stated the Speaker pro tempore Mr. Taylor of North Carolina. Congress’ goal is to balance the budget and reduce spending in the area of Medicaid funds, food stamps, and AFDC funds that are especially hard-hit by the teenage pregnancy problem. Reducing teenage childbearing through this campaign is likely to require more than eliminating or manipulating welfare programs.      A form of prevention funded by the Department of Public Health in Massachusetts is The Challenge Fund. It is a community-based approach to teen pregnancy prevention. These coalitions unite youth, family, and community in order to create and increase opportunities for youth development and leadership. It also increases awareness of ownership of the risks, costs and problems of teen pregnancy.      The Federal Government has invested millions of dollars into an abstinence education program for young adults that provide ways for them to avoid sexual activity at such a young age. The program teaches teens the importance of sustaining from sexual activity before marriage and the importance of a monogamous relationship in a marriage. It also teaches them the harmful effects psychologically and physically, of sexual activity at a young age.      Studies show a trend toward sexual abstinence and improved use of condoms as possible reasons for sudden change in the pregnancy rate decreasing. Other studies also show that teen abortions are steadily declining as well, ruling out abortion as a factor in the falling national teen birth rate. â€Å"The government cannot calculate an overall teen pregnancy rate, which includes live births and abortions, because ten states keep no figures on abortions,†stated Stephanie Ventura, a statistician with CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Effects of Optimism on Psychological and Physical Health
Effects of Optimism on Psychological and Physical Health Heather LaBombard PSY/220 The definition of the word â€Å"optimism†is a favorable attitude about conditions or events in life. Some believe that optimistic views in life will have beneficial effects on psychological and physical health. However, excessive optimism can have harmful effects on psychological and physical health. Many tests and research have been done on people to see if optimism does in fact have an effect on psychological and physical health. According to one of the articles that I researched about the effects of optimism on physical health suggested that people who have an optimistic view tend to engage in health-promoting actions such as: not smoking, not drinking alcohol, watching their diet, using sunscreen, taking vitamins, and other health-related actions. According to the Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior Management (2004) there have been studies on people who optimistic about their lives and the studies have shown that the optimistic people are less likely to become sick or to develop a disease as a person who is pessimistic. In a study that monitored the blood pressure of people doing normal activities the results showed that a person who was optimistic had less of a chance of elevated blood pressure than a pessimist. Another study has shown that optimism can lead to faster recoveries from surgeries or an accident. . However, a person who has an optimistic view may think that everything will go his or her way and that nothing can go wrong for either one of them. This could lead them to taking behavioral risks, such as: engaging in unprotected sex, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes and not taking care of their general health. I know that when I have been pessimistic about events going on in my life I have started to think unhealthy. I tend to become sick more often when I do not have a good attitude. When I do think optimistically I am full of energy and I act like I am happy. In my personal opinion I agree that optimism has an impact on physical health and it could be negative or positive. Optimism plays a part in psychological health. According to the article that I researched about the effects of optimism on psychological health optimists face challenges more effectively than pessimists and therefore benefit psychologically (Wimberley, Carver, & Antoni, 2008). The article is about women who have breast cancer and how optimism plays a role in their well-being. Optimism is associated with a lower level of distress on breast cancer patients. Studies show that optimistic women who have breast cancer feel physically attractive (Wimberley, Carver, & Antoni, 2008). The breast cancer patients were also optimistic about interpersonal relationships, which is also psychologically rewarding. Studies have shown that optimistic people have better interpersonal relationships and social support; therefore are more optimistic about their illness because they believe that they have a support system. An optimistic attitude about learning about the education of breast cancer also showed that the women had a better sense of well-being. Although being optimistic in life is good for psychological well-being, it can also bring some ill effects for a woman who has breast cancer. According to Pinquart, Frohlich, & Silbereisen (2007) a woman with breast cancer may develop an optimistic attitude about the diagnosis of breast cancer and expect a good outcome about side effects and the treatment. This does not happen very often, which could lead to psychological distress. I agree with both aspects of effects on psychological and physical health. A person who has a good attitude toward life in general tends to lead a healthier life physically and psychologically. However, having too much optimism in life may be damaging to a person’s physical health and psychological health. As long as optimism is used in a positive way, a person can lead a happy and healthy life. References OPTIMISM, PESSIMISM, AND HEALTH. (2004). In Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior Management, Sage. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. om/entry/sageeohabm/optimism_pessimism_and_health Pinquart, M. , Frohlich, C. , & Silbereisen, R. (2007). Optimism, pessimism, and change of psychological well-being in cancer patients. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 12(4), 421-432. doi:10. 1080/13548500601084271. Wimberly, S. , Carver, C. , & Antoni, M. (2008). Effects of optimism, interpersonal relationships, and distress on psychosexual well-being among women with early stage breast cancer. Psychology & Health, 23(1), 57-72. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Volcanic Eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of Magma
Volcanic Volcanic eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of MagmaParticularsPage No.Understanding Vents2Home plate Architectonicss3Erupted Material4Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions5Volcanic eruption History6Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions7Other Side of the Coin8Precautions/Safety in Hawaiian island9-10Recommendation for catastrophe Management11Mentions12Understanding Vents Thevolcano wordis acquired from Vulcano, a volcanic concatenation of the Aeolian Islands of Italy whose name in bend is derived from Vulcan, the God of fire in Roman mythology. Avolcanois a crevice on the exterior layerof aplanetary-mass surface, like Earth, which permits volcanic ash, hot lava, and gases to dispatch from a magma chamber below the surface. Vents originate on Earth as its crust is divided into 17prime, house tectonic home bases drifting above a soft bed with high temperature within its mantle. Therefore vents are normally present in countries wherethis tectonic home bases indulge in diverging or meeting activity. For case, a mid-oceanic ridge, such as theRidge, is an result of diverging tectonic home bases ; whereas the Pacific ring of Fire is formed by meeting home bases nearing towards each other. Stretching and cutting of the home bases inside the earth’s exterior bed can besides ensue into a vent, e.g. , Rio Grande Rift in North America. Volcanic activities can besides be seen at countries off from the tectonic home bases and are known as Hotspots.Volcanoes in Hawaii are believed to originate from a central-mantle, 3,000km deep inside the surface of Earth. It is a rare state of affairs to happen a vent in an country where home bases slide over each other. Vents which Erupt have the ability to do threat, even in the countries non environing the eruption part. A threat like the ash of the vent can make a immense hazard for an Aeroplane specifically 1s with the jet engines, the atoms will liquefy at high temperatures and stick toblades in the turbine changing their formation. Huge eruptions cool the lower ambiance of the Earth but besides lead to hot temperatures at the upper ambiance of the Earth. Adequate grounds exists to turn out that the volcanic winters lead to black dearths. Some common types of vents are shield vents, crypto domes. Volcanic cones ( cinder cones ) , stratovolcanoes, super vents, pigboat vents and clay vents Home plate tectonics Divergent home base boundaries The formation of a new ocean crust leads to the separation of two tectonic home bases besides as the surface is really slender near these topographic points the stretch due to the tectonic home bases, consequences into fragmental thaw of the mantle, ensuing in volcanic eruptions. As these type of boundaries exist deep into the oceans the volcanic activities are normally undersea. Convergent home base boundaries The hit of two home bases leads to the formation of magma as one of the home bases increases the temperature of H2O in the submersed home base forming magma. Due to its high silicon oxide content the magma is vigorous in nature, normally the magma is unable to do it to the surface. But formation of a vent takes topographic point when it is able to make to the upper surface organizing an island. â€Å" Hot spots †Volcanic countries which are considered to â€Å" Hotspots â€Å" is the name given to volcanic countries believed to be established bynucleation of a hot stone inside the Earth taking to a nappy, vents turn inactive temporarily as tectonic home bases move across them. The Hawaiian Islands is considered as a consequence of such process. Though, many disapprove with these sort of unproved theories. Erupted stuff Lava composingMagma holding the silica content of more than 63 % is known as felsic. Felsic lava is a extremely barbarous and vigorous fluid normally erupted from big sized domes. Gass which get trapped due to its barbarous nature leads to immense pollution.52–63 % of silicon oxide content is known as the lava of intermediatecomposition. Normally formed by hydration thaw of peridotite this magma contains deposits and therefore silica content is lower than felsic.45-52 % of silicon oxide content, the lava is known as mafic. These lavas have high content of Mg and Fe and be given to be hotter than felsic excessively. Mafic lava is a really common sight in the instance of volcanic eruptionsThe ultramafic lava is the one which contains less than 45 % of silicon oxide content, it is highly rare to happen the ultramafic lava, it has been found merely one time till now and is the hottest one of all. Fluid is excessively hot and is besides higher in content of Mg and Fe compared to ma fic lava.Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions Hawaii is a typical topographic point when it comes to geological universes criterions as it is cause by â€Å"hotspots†. There exist merely a few of hot spots on Earth and Hawaii has the biggest crustal surface beneath its vents on Earth – the Pacific home base. The motion of the home bases has resulted into the Hawaiian island and Kauai holding inactive vents stands to be the most elderly island of all, and is about 50lakh old ages old. The most immature and besides one of the active vents is the island which is besides known as the â€Å"big Island†which we all know as Hawaii with the lava crust less than a million twelvemonth old. Loihi is besides one of the active vents in Hawaii. Kilauea the most active vent in the universe is a shield vent covering 14 % of the entire island the south-east portion of the Hawaii. The local population believe the 1227metre vent to be the place of Hawaiian vent goddess Pele. From a normal oculus it seems to be merged with another vent i.e. the Mauna Loa whereas scientific research prove that it is an unconnected vent with its ain activities. The vent has 61 recorded eruptions harmonizing to the United States geo-survey and has shown uninterrupted activities since the past 32 old ages. Volcanic eruption History The local Hawaiian people have written about the extraordinary phenomenon of volcanic eruption manner before the worldwide diaries. Thomas Jagger is one of the great personalities in the geologists list to hold done the base research on the activities of vent and besides to convert the United States geological section to take deeper research of these vents though Jagger is an American geologist, he formed the Hawaiian volcanic research association before the Geological section merely with the aid of a local business communities. The Hawaiians have a long history with these vents who they consider as their Gods and have written about them in the same mode. They believe these eruptions to be the choler or sadness of their God towards them. The twelvemonth 1990 experienced the most devastation menace by the Kilauea as it destroyed about 100 houses including a church and the town Parkss. The impact left a lava filling of 15-24 meters on the town therefore destructing everything that of all time existed on the surface. A Person names jack Thompson was loath to go forth his place even after detecting all his neighbors and milieus consumed by lava near the royal gardens. It was merely in 2012 when he and his friend were rescued by a chopper as his house was consumed by the vigorous lava of the Hawaiian vents. Lava still flows continuously to the ocean harmonizing to an observation by geologists. Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions About 3 lakh people have died due to a direct or indirect impact of a volcanoe in the past 500 old ages. The explosive eruptions of vents have caused a batch of these deceases. Hawaiian eruptions are quieter and hold more fluids. Near to 97 people have died due to eruptions in Hawaii. But the impact of these eruptions on the civilized society and their substructures has been lay waste toing. An full small town names Kapoho has been brought to land zero in 1960 eruption. The volcanic activities have besides destroyed the royal gardens and a small town called Kalapana. An full small town named Hilo with the population of 40 thousand people was under great menace in 1984 Mauna Loa eruptions. Fortunately the Lava stopped some kilometers before the metropolis therefore salvaging it from being one of the largest risky volcanic eruption in the history. Volcanic eruptions have about destroyed 200 standing constructions including national Parkss, Gardens and many places and edifices in the little town of Kalapana. Except of the short term impacts of the vents, the large concern is are the people populating around still healthy? Dangerous gases such as H2O, CO2, CO, SO2, and H2S are spread in the air through volcanic eruptions A Study by an helper professor of the Nevada Orvis School of nursing shows that there was a important addition in concerns and sore pharynxs with people coming in contact with the vent or life nearby it. Besides 56 % addition was observed in people describing coughs after an impact and 600 % addition in take a breathing related diseases. In long term external respiration in the surrounding of a vent such as life in Hawaii can diminish the life anticipation to a great extent and therefore is besides non a suited pick for people with take a breathing upsets. Other Side of the Coin The Geo-thermal power works which can be constructed near a vent is really helpful to Hawaii as they have abundant militias due to volcanic activities.the Puna Geo-thermal works contributes to 23 % per centum of the electricity needs in Hawaii bring forthing 30megawatts of electricity and besides has late increased the production capacity by 8 % . The Volcanoes in Hawaii have provided a batch to the comprehensive cognition of the worlds on vents. The research on the nature of these vents is one of the basic grounds why today scientists are able to understand and foretell volcanic eruptions, salvaging a big sum of of human lives. Thus Hawaii has presented an exceeding chance for the survey and research of vents and their behavior in general. Volcanic activity beneath the ocean has the ability to make islands such as Hawaii itself. Unique sorts of workss and animate beings evolve in these sort of islands, Such as the Hawaiian Flora.Thus Hawaii really owns its being to such results of volcanic eruptions. Precautions/ Safety warning Systems in the Hawaiian Island It is believed that Kilauea is a safe vent as it’s slow and the Hawaiian national park has provided proper guidelines at each risky zone. Although tourer non cognizant about the insecure environment and besides the type of tourer who wittingly break the guidelines lead to a large figure of deceases. There have been instances of people sitting on a stone of magma and taking to hurts due to tear in the stone as the interior was weak and was unseeable to a normal oculus. Populating near an eruption zone? Don’t worry you will be informed for emptying merely in clip. The USGS scientists have instruments supervising the rift zones every hr each twenty-four hours. The seismographs predict the volcanic eruption manner before as there has to be some activity, there is no such thing as a sudden eruption as the new engineerings can observe it several hours prior to the eruption excessively. During the Kalapana Eruption in 1990 the local population was informed hebdomads before therefore supplying them a batch of clip for emptying. The United States Geological Survey section has implemented assorted safety alert- presentment systems against the activities of vents. The watchful presentment degree is dependent on four degree qui vives and besides four levelled air power coloring material codification. The degrees are decided by the scientist by monitoring and analyzing the volcanic activities and along with their cognition and experience on the eruptions. The vent alert degree can be explained utilizing the colors and the four degrees which are normal, consultative, ticker and warning. These marks are spread through wirelesss and the air power coloring material codifications are spread out in the sky utilizing aircrafts to signal the population on the landDegreeAviation coloring material codificationInterpretationNormalGreenIt is normal as specified, therefore the vent has stopped break outing and has reached to an inactive provinceAdvisoryYellowThe activities have minimized in an effectual mode but still barbarous activities might regenerate the eruptionWatchOrangeVolcano is active and is demoing barbarous activities the tallness and ash exhausts degree are besides provided if possible.WarningRedVolcanic eruption is prevailing on a important degree and tallness of the ash exhausts and the degree is highly unsafe. Take immediate actions towards your safety.Recommendations for Disaster Management As observed throughout my research the USGS has already taken a batch of proper stairss against the safety of worlds during the volcanic eruption idea there are some recommendations which can increase the safety of the population. To USGS Awareness among the tourers: – During the research, It was found that a batch of tourers in Hawaii are incognizant of the safety jeopardies and the proper significance of the catastrophe marks. The decease and hurt rate among the tourer in Hawaii still exists and should be prevented. To Population Communication: – There are opportunities of the communicating web acquiring disrupted during such a state of affairs, therefore everyone should cognize whom and how to pass on during such a state of affairs Responsible Emptying: – A list of points should be kept for such unfortunate events -Significant paperss, Medications, Valuables which are easy to transport and nutrient supply for long term endurance. Normally people who are designated as absurd before the catastrophe sometimes are the 1s who survive it. Cipher is prepared for such a jeopardy that’s the lone ground it is termed as a catastrophe. A responsible and educated society can avoid immense loss of human lives during such jeopardies. Mentions Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. 2015.Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . . 2015.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? sid=HI. [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Benefits of Volcanoes. 2015.Benefits of Volcanoes. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. 2015.Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 26 March 2015 ] . Kilauea Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. 2015.Kilauea Volcanic Volcanic eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 28 March 2015 ] . Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. 2015.Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | 2015.Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact. . 2015.The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] .
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